Turkey is inviting application from international students to study in their

Highlighted points All students of 16-year AIOU programs will write their
Name of the School (where the action research was conducted):
Research Topic Suggestions for B.ed or M.ed 1-Impact of peer monitoring
Applications are now invited to the DAAD Scholarship 2019-2020 in Germany.

There is no power on earth that can divide Muslims and create fissures in their fraternal relations. They are bound to be brothers with each other by Allah. Quran, Namaz, Hajj, belief in Allah and all of His Prophets unites them.

This Summit seems to be the only solution for all predicaments of the Ummah for the time being. It will unite the Ummah and will forge prosperity among the long-time foes.

There are a number of things that make a country attractive to the tourists but the things of foremost concern are security, landscape, prices of goods to the approach of a middle income tourist and a friendly country and the countrymen.

It is compulsory upon every Muslim to learn from cradle to the grave. In Islam, knowledge has been associated with God. According to Muslims, Allah is Omniscient.

Pakistan is a highly understated and misunderstood country due to innumerable