How to become an Android Developer | Master in Android Application Programming

Hello Friends! I hope you are doing well, May God peace be upon you.

It may seem that all applications, which are possible, have already been written, and especially nothing new is needed. But this is not so, In fact, new applications appear every day because 70-80% of all devices work on Androidsmartphonestablets, household appliances, and robots.

Existing applications need to be updated as new devices are released, The Android OS is updated, and the functionality is improved. The main categories are messengers, wallets, online banking, taxi ordering, online food, and games (one-third of all). There is no such question as to whether it is worth becoming an Android developer, there are only certain steps you need to go through to become one.

What can Android Developers do?

There is no such thing as if you become a developer, you should be able to do everything. Of course, there is a jack of all trades, but more often there is a separation of duties. You should also not be discouraged if everything seems too complicated, and you do not have enough half of your life to comprehend everything. You don’t need everything at once, there is work for both professionals and beginners (rough work, true, but you need to start somewhere;)).

As a developer, you can choose the job that is closest to your heart:
  • Thinking over the user interface, internal logic and structure of the application, and convenient navigation – all this is called UI (User Interface).
  • Writing code according to the prescribed algorithms (flowchart).
  • Optimization of the code of an already working product, and the minimum energy consumption are important for mobile devices.
  • For online banks and wallets, the topic of security is especially important, you need to find potential vulnerabilities and rewrite the code to a secure one.
  • Tester, you need to test the application on different OS versions, and devices, in non-standard conditions.
  • At the final stage, you need to write documentation for the user, and upload the application to Google Play and other app stores.
  • Then the study of user statistics, reviews and revision go in a circle.

Forking is an algorithm, in which depending on the fulfillment of the condition one thing is happening or another action.

Block forms: If < Condition >

Then < command 1>

Otherwise <Command 2>

Where and how to learn all these:

There are two options:

  • Independently with the help of books, documentation, and instructions, which are full, thematic forums, video tutorials on YouTube, and blog articles.
  • Buy a course on Android development.
  • Sign up for group or individual training.

In this article we will learn how to make an Android programmer, Self-study by trial and error can take a long time, besides, you need to have a talent for self-organization and not give up the whole thing. After all, the initial training will take from 3 months to a year. In any case, it’s best to start with at least some structured delivery course. This will be the starting point for further diving into the development topic.

What an Application Programmer Should Know

You will never be able to learn everything because this is the same as knowing the composition of all goods in a hypermarket. In addition, programmer tools are constantly being updated. where a beginner should start:

  • The basis is the Java programming language, most applications are written in java programming, it is better suited for applications where you need to interact with the hardware of the smartphone
  • The Kotlin programming language is a Google-recommended language. But you need to know Java, then you still have to deal with it, so it’s better to learn it right away, and not later, in fragments.
  • The Android Studio development environment is the same program as an android emulator in which the application is created.
  • General principles of development: object-oriented programming (OOP), correct code design, convenient naming of variable functions, etc.
  • Markup languages ​​HTML and XML, CSS styles – this knowledge will also allow you to design sites.
  • Basic Design Principles from Google – Material Design.
  • How Android works and structure.
  • Studying popular libraries and frameworks (ready-made functions for solving common tasks that simplify development).
  • Distributed version control system Git and GitHub – necessary for teamwork and creating your portfolio, allows you to make changes to the project without chaos.
  • Algorithm Basics – Teaches you how to design an Android application from scratch.

What can you do after Android Development?

After 3 months of training, you can apply for an internship or Junior (junior – junior specialist) position. Further, as your skills develop, you will become a Middle (average, standard) specialist. And if everything goes according to plan, then there are chances of becoming a Senior, they receive decent salaries. After the senior, you can go to the team leader (team leader). In general, a programmer’s salary ranges from $ 500 to $ 5000 and more. Depends on professionalism, experience, portfolio, and employer’s country.

On a small note, some people are afraid that Google will switch to another OS, and then they will be out of work. As in 2016, there was talk of a new Fuchsia OS. It doesn’t matter, because people will still need applications, just the developers will have more work to do, they need to port their applications to another OS. By the way, programming languages ​​are not very different from each other. 

So you went through sleepless nights and decided that it was time to come into the programming world. Where do Android developers work? Of course, these are mobile development studios that run several projects at once. Working in such a studio will ensure rapid professional growth and decent earnings.

Secondly, developers are hired by businesses that need their applications. You need to be prepared that here you will become that jack of all trades, maybe even reinstall Windows for someone.

Third, you can become a freelance programmer, i.e. freelancer. First, you need to expand your portfolio on freelance exchanges and gain credibility. Complete simple tasks for a nominal fee, until there are more applications than you can complete.

You can skip all three options and start by developing your applications, studying the issue, and marketing application promotion. This may be the most promising path of development, but you need to be stocked with patience and a financial cushion.

I hope you have Learned Something from here.

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