Buy Domain with JazzCash
If you are looking to buy a GoDaddy, Bluehost, NameCheap domain with a JazzCash account then you are in right place. Today I will teach you how you can buy these domains with your JazzCash account without using other bank accounts.
This article can be very helpful for those people who are going to start blogging in Pakistan and don’t have any bank account yet.
If you want to do blogging for earnings in that case surely you will apply for Adsense approval which is possible with a top-level domain (like .com, .xyz, .live, etc). Otherwise, it will take a lot of time with free domains to get ranked.
That’s why it is necessary for buying a top-level domain from these companies like GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Bluehost.
So let’s go towards the topic and if want to buy any GoDaddy, Bluehost, Namecheap, or any other company domain with your JazzCash account then you required the following things.
First of all, you should have a JazzCash account on your phone number. If you don’t have your JazzCash account then you can create a new one by dialing *786# on your jazz Sim.
Because these companies just accept Visa card and Debit credit cards that’s why you need a depart or visa card. you can get your debit through JazzCash.
You have to apply for your JazzCash debit card online and in a few days, you can get your card. Now with this card, you can buy any domain from anywhere you want.
How to apply for a JazzCash Debit card
Click on the following link and go to the JazzCash website applying for a debit card.
Here click on the order card
Here you will see 4 steps:
account verification,
Customer information,
Order confirmation,
After completing the process you will get your own Jazz Debit card in 14 working days. About 850 Rs will be charged and Card will be delivered to your home.
I think this is the best way if you want to buy these domains without going to the bank.
With this card you can do online shopping and can buy anything online.