Who doesn’t know Facebook in Pakistan.
Social media is an internet based company which connects people. The first known social network was founded in 1997 and its name was Six Degrees. After that friendster was founded in 2003 and later became a social gaming site then it came myspace. Now a days there are hundreds of social networks like twitter, Qoura, pinterest, tiktok and list goes on.
In 2004 facebaook was founded by mark zuckerberg and its developers were pretty sane and added values which other social media sites lacked. In today facebook solely have more than 2 Billion users worldwide. Facebook also owns Whatsapp and Instagram. Facebook is banned in China and Iran because of their privacy concerns.
So facebook keep improving its user’s experience in terms of user friendly and privacy.
Here is a list of privacy settings.

Besides these setting there are other setting like blocking and unblocking of people and many more.
These above controls were for users to over user who can see future posts or who can send friend request but facebook uses an advance technology to gather information of user like what activities ( browsing, other apps usage, ads etc) a user performs on mobile Phone and based on these activities they show us ads and they also keep record of our location and other information.
So, today facebook has announced a new feature called ” Your facebook information ” in which we may manage all information. If we wanna disallow facebook to not to gather information then we will have to off that option. In below picture you may see all options.
There are other options to change privacy settings. Like if you want to change settings of Photos, Posts, friends then you might have to go to the Photos, friends or that specific post and there you may select settings of your choice.