Broadsheet decision made public by the Government of Pakistan in which many big names are exposed.

Yesterday was a very important day in the history of Pakistan in which the Broadsheet decision was made public in Pakistan on the instructions of PM Imran Khan. BroadSheet’s Chief Executive Officer Kaveh Moussavi asked PM if he is true against the corruption so he must make the decision of the London Court of Law Public, in which corruption is exposed.

 Kaveh Moussavi quoted the saying of a Pakistani man who told the broadsheet CEO Kaveh Moussavi that Pakistan was gang-raped which meant everyone looted Pakistan. Broadsheet CEO asked to make the Public, the decision of the court of law of London so that the Pakistani public must know how Politicians of Pakistan looted money from Pakistan and transferred it abroad.

Shareef Family, when corruption charges were initiated against them, had been denying that they are not involved in corruption. Nawaz Shareef when he was PM said in the assembly that he owns nothing abroad and has done no corruption. The same is the case with Maryam Nawaz Shareef she once told on Media that she owns nothing in Pakistan or abroad.

Nawaz Shareef even blamed institutions that they want push him back by instigating corruption charges against him.

The BraodSheet decision is composed of 200 pages in which corruption of the Shareef Family is exposed that how they looted money.

The broadsheet final decision was made in 2016 when Nawaz Shareef was PM in Pakistan. He put hurdles in the way of Broadsheet to avoid the circumstances which could arise after the decision. It’s also reported that Kaveh Moussavi was offered a 20 Million dollar bribe to end this case.

This decision states that in the year 2000, the undeclared wealth of Mian Nawaz Shareef was 100 Million dollars.

National Accountability Bureau was fined 30 Million dollars that time and of which 20 million dollars were fined because Nawaz Shareef was given NRO and Broadsheet couldn’t pursue the case.

1 Million dollars plus amount Broadsheet recovered in the name of contractual damage.

Mian Nawaz Shareef owns 800+ Million dollars in the wealth of which only 6M is in Pakistan and the rest is abroad in different countries. But no one knows the current value of the assets of the Shareef Family.

Broadsheet stated that Avenfield apartments were made with looted money and kickbacks from motorway project that’s why Broadsheet demanding Pakistan to pay them 21+ Million dollars because they couldn’t pursue the case and they want this amount in terms of their damages.

That’s only the summary of the decision made by a court of law of London you can download and read the detailed decision from the below-given links.

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