Waseela e Taleem is a conditional cash transfer to the children going to primary school from age 4-12 of beneficiaries of previously known as benazir income support program but now as ehsaas kafalat.
Waseela e Taleem program was started in 2012 to provide cash of 750 per quarter of the year to the children going in primary school but from last year under ehsaas kafalat the amount of Waseela e Taleem is increased from 750 to 1500 per male child and 2000 per female child of beneficiaries who receive cash from ehsaas kafalat program.
Waseela e Taleem translates into English language as education help for such deprived children whose parents can’t afford education of their children.
The waseela e taleem program was started to increase the enrollment of children in schools, improve the attendance of children and decrease drop out from the school.
Such children are eligible for waseela e taleem whose parents are registered as beneficiaries of Benazir income support program or ehsaas kafalat program and these children are going to school at primary level and are aged between 4-12. The cash transfer of waseela e taleem will be made if child’s attendance is 70% or above .
Waseela e Taleem conditional cash transfer program was started in 5 districts in 2012 and gradually in 2015 it was expanded to 15 districts under benazir inocme support program.
Now under ehsaas program waseela e taleem is expanded nationwide to the deserving communities and new National Socio-Econonomic registry survey is undergoing in which more deserving people will be added in ehsaas kafalat program and their children will also be provided cash assistance for education as waseela e taleem.
For waseela e taleem cash assistance for education was made through manual verification from school and the assistant complaint of the Tehsil office of Benazir income support program entered data of the school going child of beneficiary and cash assistance was approved.
Now Government is making waseela e taleem totally paperless where the B.Form of the children will be entered in school database and it will make the children of beneficiaries to get cash assistance automatically.