Ehsaas program is a multifarious, multifaceted program directed towards the welfare of common Pakistan who is not well to do or barely capable of hand to mouth.
Ehsaas program is a conglomeration or family of multi dozen social and economic welfare programs. Today PM of Pakistan Imran Khan launched another program for poverty alleviation and to mitigate the effects of the ongoing pandemic, coronavirus.
PM of Pakistan has announced an economic relief package for those today who had lost their jobs after the country wide lock down due to coronavirus.
The government has pledged Rs 75 billion today under the banner of the Ehsaas Program.
Ehsaas Labor Program has launched countrywide for all above 18-year-old. The Ministry of industries will also launch the same program from its platforms as well on the same footings after approval from the PM office.
- People who have lost their jobs recently from coronavirus lockdown
- Daily Wagers
- Job holders who have been suspended temporarily
- People who have been barred from earning daily bread
First of all click on the following link.
you will be landed on the interface as shown below after clicking on the link above.

Here you need to insert your CNIC (Pakistani National ID Card Number)
Your phone number that is registered under your name.
Your network provider (the network who has’s service you are using, such as Ufone, Jazz, Warid, Zong)
After inserting the info on the page displayed above you and pressing the enter button, another page will appear which is displayed under.

Here you will need to enter the following things.
Your complete name as per your ID card number
Your profession
Your daily income or wage
The date you lost your job
Company or institution for whom you worked
You had your own job or worked for someone else?
Name of your contractor or boss
Your district, where you reside and your tehsil.
after that you will solemnly confirm the validity of the data and press enter the button below on the same page.

The above shown page will appear after inserting all the required data. after that, government agencies will verify your credentials and if you are found eligible, the funds will be disbursed to you.