Ehsaas emergency program

How many families will benefit from ehsaas emergecy Program

The Federal Government of Pakistan has planned to distribute cash through ehsaas program to 12 million families across Pakistan including the Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.

How much Cash will be distributed in ehsaas program to each family.

Rupees 12000 will be distributed among each deserving family from ehsaas program. Total of Rupees 144 billion is specified for ehsaas emergency program.

Who deserve in ehsaas emergency program

In ehsaas emergency program, people who were on daily wages and those who are beneficiary of Benazir Income support program will benefit from this ehsaas emergency program. Beneficiaries of BISP will be added one thousand and totaling 3000 for each month will receive advance cash of four months.

ehsaas nadra gov pk

Link to verify eligibilty and to register for;

Through above given link you may verify your eligibility and if you found eligible you may proceed further for registration.

Registration through sms with ehsas nadra gov pk

Send CNIC without dashes to 8171 from mobile phone and you will probably receive three possible responses, 1: Eligible, 2: Not eligible 3: Contact your district management.

In case you receive the message contact your district management you may verify data from web portal of ehsas program through this link;

Who are not eligible for ehsaas program

People who are Government employs, traveled abroad and have businesses. people will be identified on their wealth bucket. For this purpose government will ask State Bank of Pakistan to provide data for this purpose and other way they will verify from different departments from their cnic if they are or not employ of the government. Ehsas program is mainly focused towards the people who are living below the poverty line and are on daily wages and daily wagers are affected in lock down and can’t get wages.

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