Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board ( PCTB )has approved a smart condensed syllabus for primary, elementary, secondary, and higher secondary ( F.A., Fsc ) classes with the name accelerated learning program ( ALP ). A notification was sent to chairmen of all boards and a copy to minister education as well as other concerned educational bodies so that this smart syllabus could be implemented and children could prepare their syllabus earlier.

Smart syllabus or ALP was developed keeping in view the closure of schools, colleges for a longer time period due to Pandemic and this need was felt that children couldn’t attend classes whole year that is why smart syllabus was developed so that children from Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher secondary level could prepare their syllabus in less time.
However this is to keep in mind that all exams of all classes from Primary level to Elementary, 9th 10th and F.A. Fsc will be conducted on given schedule as usual but children of these classes will have to prepare smart syllabus instead of whole syllabus.
This reduced syllabus from Primary classes to secondary classes will help students prepare for exams in less time.
This reduced syllabus or smart syllabus is named ALP as children will have to prepare short syllabus in a shorter time.
Good news for children of all classes from Primary to Higher secondary is that this they will not have to go through whole book but they will have to prepare the selected topics from the books and the paper will also be prepared from those selected topics.
Now this is golden opportunity for the students to prepare this smart syllabus in a smart way and for their exams will full preparation.
The download links for smart syllabus or reduced syllabus are given below from Primary classes to F.A. or Higher secondary classes.
This smart syllabus download is in pdf and you will need to install pdf viewer in your mobile or PC.
Click on the above download link to download reduced smart syllabus of your respective class.